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April 23, 2010


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I've the same scary 'Lolita'. The similar-era 'Laughter in the Dark', with a scary de Lempicka girl on the front, is also a good one.

Ah, those Central European Classics. I can't wait until they come out. I went to the US arm of a certain online bookshop the name of which Lee Harvey Oswald would find familiar, and was able to preorder the ten of them for a total of Aus$75, which is ridiculously cheap. But then I got an email from the Penguin press office, and could have had them free (and earlier), so now I feel rather less clever.

I must stop wittering on.

I didn't know that Lempicka.

Check this one out: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7914634@N06/1563674446

There's an online bookshop called the Texas School Book Depository?

Robert Maguire! I had no idea he'd done any Nabokovs.

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